How to Start a Business – Follow Through

If you want to run your own business someday, and dream of being an independent and successful entrepreneur, there are certain predictors for success that can give you an edge over the competition. The reason that the majority of people do not make the transition from employee to employer is because they get too caught up in the idea of the business to follow through with any action. It is one thing to talk a big game about a new and brilliant business idea that is so cutting edge it will change the very fabric of the market. While these claims can be entertaining and a great ego boost, remember that in business, talk is cheap, and it is the walk that gets everything done. Nobody cares about what you could do or might do. They only care about what you actually do.

Bradley Michael BeckerIf you want to be a successful businessperson and entrepreneur, then simply do it. Take action. Talking about something or planning it out never gets anything done. While you should never shy away from talking about your business, actions speak much louder than words. If you want people to respect you and your ideas, create them and let people see them in action for themselves. Coming up with a great idea isn’t enough to be a businessman, you have to take real and practical actions in order to achieve your goals and become independent. Hard work is the road to financial freedom.

Bradley Michael Becker is a business owner who believes that actions speak louder than words.

Building a Successful Business – Keep Learning

If you want your business to be more profitable and keep a sustained growth margin throughout the years, it is important to learn a few business basics. No matter how talented a businessman or woman you are, there has never been a business book, idea, plan, or formula that can properly predict the future and let your know the right path to become a successful entrepreneur.

Bradley Michael BeckerIn the real world, there is no such thing as a perfect plan or formula. There is no road that you can embark upon every time that is guaranteed to have the same success. That is because there is so much variation and unpredictability in the world that we are fated to always keep guessing on what is going to happen next.

What separates successful business owners from failing ones is how much they are willing to learn and grow. A good businessman knows that owning a business isn’t about having a goal and reaching it, then being finished. Success is a lifelong journey, as is owning a business. You will have to learn and grow with your business, making mistakes and triumphs along the way. This should not be considered a bad thing however, as it will make your life more meaningful and you will feel far more fulfilled when you finally do experience periods of success. Just remember that you should not be afraid to make mistakes, as they are the best opportunity to learn.

Bradley Michael Becker is a business owner who owes his success to always learning more about a wide range of business subjects.

Tips for the First Time Business Owner – Know Your Limits

If you are entering the business world for the first time, you should know that it is a complex and highly competitive field that requires serious commitment in order to do well in. Being a business owner isn’t some dream job where you get to sit in an air-conditioned office doing whatever you want while everyone else helps you rake in the money. A good business comes about through discipline and hard-work.

Bradley Michael BeckerThe best business owners know what their limits are, what they are capable of doing, and what they are not. Many new business owners make the mistake of thinking that they know everything about every category, which can lead to many expensive mistakes in the long run. The truth is, no matter how intelligent you are, or how savvy of a business owner that you think you are, nobody knows everything. If you simply acknowledge that you are not omnipotent, and understand that there are other professionals out there with the real knowledge and expertise to help navigate you through the less familiar, you will do much better as a business owner.

Remember that whenever you are engaging in something new and unfamiliar, tread carefully and with caution, especially when significant amounts of money are on the line. The best thing new business owners can do is surround themselves with knowledgeable mentors and advisors with years of experience.

Bradley Michael Becker is a business owner that notes the importance of knowing your own personal limits.

Building a Business – Focus

Owning a business for the first time can be an exciting point in an entrepreneur’s life, but it can also be a challenging and intimidating one as well. As some experienced business owners have learned, running and managing a successful and self-sustaining business is no walk in the park. It takes dedication and determination just to keep your business afloat, let alone thrive. That is why in order to be a better business owner, entrepreneurs need to be aware of a few tips and tricks that will set them apart from the rest of the pack.

Bradley Michael Becker
The first thing to emphasize to new business owners is to remind them to stay focused on the task at hand. Focus is very important because first-time entrepreneurs tend to be jumpy and excited, which reflects their passion but can be bad for business. Unfocused entrepreneurs are likely to jump at every new opportunity that they come across. This is bad because often they mistake a dead end for an opportunity. Many would-be opportunities are just someone trying to make a quick buck off of ignorance or inexperience. That is why a new business owner especially should focus on one project at a time and do it well, rather than focusing on ten different projects and performing them poorly.

If a business owner has trouble focusing on a single task because boredom tends to set in, perhaps they can only jump to other projects that relate to the one they are working on. This encourages cohesion and productivity.

Bradley Michael Becker is a business executive and owner who emphasizes the importance of focus.

Rearing Wolves as Pets

Wild wolves are at times kept as exotic pets, and in some rare cases, as working animals. Though wolves closely resemble domesticated dogs (which are thought to have split from wild wolves somewhere around 10,000 and 100,000 years ago), wolves don’t demonstrate the same tractability as dogs in living together with humans. Rearing Wolves is quite different from rearing domesticated dogs, and for the most part, considerably more work is needed in rearing wolves as pets to have the same amount of reliability as dogs. Wolves additionally require much more space than dogs, around 10 to 15 square miles so they can exercise properly.

Bradley Michael BeckerCaptive wolf puppies are typically taken from their mom when they are 14 days old, and preferably no later than 21 days. Wolf pups require more socialization than dog pups, and will regularly quit reacting to socialization at 19 days, unlike dogs that can be socialized at 16 weeks of age. For the initial four months of their lives, wolf pups should be kept confined from adult canines, except for a couple brief visits every week, so that they properly imprint on humans. Wolf pups will develop abnormalities if they are raised along with other wolves. Since wolf milk contains more arginine than normal puppy milk substitutes, an arginine supplement is required when sustaining pups below the weaning age. Failure to ensure that the wolf puppies have sufficient arginine will result in the pups developing cataracts.

Bradley Michael Becker had a wolf as a pet growing up and is very knowledgeable on the subject of wolves.

Three Little League Baseball Tips

Bradley Michael Becker

Bradley Michael Becker

Little League Baseball is a tradition in itself. Little League Baseball is probably the only sport that is played by children all throughout the year. Little League Baseball is something that almost everyone has played at some point in their lives growing up. There are several ways parents can involve themselves in the game, one of the most popular being coaching. Here are a couple of coaching tips you can use for Little League Baseball.

Tip #1: Become Familiar with the League Rules

The first step in becoming a Little League Baseball coach is to become familiar with the league’s policies, rules, and regulations. Not learning the rules and regulations is like trying to be a volunteer in a foreign country without first learning the language. You cannot possibly try to coach Little League Baseball without becoming familiar with all the rules. A good idea will be to carry the Little League rule book in your pocket for quick reference.

Tip #2: Organization and Communication

Organization and communication skills are very important if you want to be a Little League Baseball coach. You will need to have a file, complete with all information such as birth certificate, medical information, and all relevant information as per rules and regulations for each player on your team. You will need to have good communication skills as you will be the liaison between the players and the parents. As you will be working with kids, you must be able to communicate effectively to your team, and not just expect your team to know what is expected of them.

Tip #3: Safety

Coaching a Little League Baseball team is serious business and not for those who have no eye for detail. Every team needs to have a qualified “safety officer” on board. You will need to have your First Aid box always stocked with medical supplies in case of any injury. As the coach, you should know your player’s medical conditions.

Bradley Michael Becker has played Little League Baseball growing up and still enjoys watching the kids play their matches.

There’s gold in them hills

Many people have heard about the gold rush which was the massive westward movement that brought a goal prospectors from across the country to the west. One of the most concentrated areas of this gold rush was the vicinity of Northern California and all of the various towns that are all there. The hills and waterways in and around the area are rich with natural resources and one of those of course was gold. That area has been mined for gold, silver, Mercury and a countless other number of resources. There is even an extensive amount of oil still to this day in and around the area of northern California unfortunately because of state and federal regulations, oil is not a fruitful resource that is worth pulling from the ground. That and a supply of oil from the Middle East has been a factor in some of the changes in the ability to get to some of these resources.

Bradley Michael Becker

However there is still gold in those hills and every year especially in the spring and summer months, prospectors can go to select areas and go out there with a pan and a variety of equipment to try and find goal that still exists out in the waters. Highly specialized equipment is able to sift out the tiny fragments of gold would still fall through the state along its natural waterways. Other pieces of equipment are able to dredge silts and other collections of material within these deposits their lives a great deal of gold and many are still looking for it today. Bradley Michael Becker knows this quite well as he lived up in this area for a number of years and was part of gold rush culture.

Little League Baseball

All throughout the country the there are countless children that play baseball. The Little League baseball tradition is one that is as old as the sport itself. For many, it is the only sport that they played throughout the year and parents as well as children are quite invested in the games, the practices and of course the events that surround everything about.

Bradley Michael Becker

It is amazing to watch a Little League baseball game when the children are out there on the field applying what they have learned day in and day out the hard work and practice the deployment throughout the week. There’s probably nothing more satisfying to witness than a team that has managed to bring all of their players along on some level and when they truly play together cheer each other on the and focused on the outcome of any or the entire game.

For outside observers, it can seem like there is an inordinate amount of emphasis placed on the sport in the success that children show. In truth, there is some element of that, but when you look at how much the kids gain from the development of their skills, and you consider the amount of experience they get in working with people as a team, it all becomes clear on why Little League baseball is such a revered sport.

Bradley Michael Becker grew up playing Little League baseball out in the area of San Jose California where he played on a variety of teams throughout his youth. He still respects the efforts can do things to this day and supports them in any way possible.